Case Studies

Union is trusted by financial service providers in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Danske Bank use Union.score to automate their credit analysis, creating process efficiencies, improving corporate governance and reducing losses to bad debt and fraud. Danske Bank also use Partner Portals to help their retailer client originate new leasing transactions at the POS.

Finora Capital use Union.core to manage their online consumer credit company and Union.score to improve their credit risk management. Our loan automation capability and flexible pricing helped Finora grow during their start-up phase and then enter corporate lending.

Eurex implemented Union.fx to manage their Online and Bureau de Change channels, reducing operational risk and providing real-time views on performance. Eurex also use Internet Bank to provide clients with balances, messages and real-time trading 24/7/365.

Kodumaa Kapital use Union.core to manage their growing Credit Union efficiently and Union.score to improve their credit risk management. Internet Bank provides Kodumaa Kapital with a new and effective channel through which to serve their clients.