Union FinTech is pleased to announce that Tallinn Business Bank (Tallinna Äripank) is utilising its Union I lms solution to manage Asset Backed Lending.
Tallinn, Estonia – 26.11.2018: Union FinTech is pleased to announce that Tallinn Business Bank is operational with its loan management system Union I lms to manage invoice finance and leasing transactions.
The solution includes smart automation of key business processes, enhanced management of physical and financial collaterals, portfolio management features including alerts for NPLs, embedded contracts and a document repository. Bank management receive a range of daily reports including client activity, financial statements and regulatory returns.
Tallinn Business Bank clients are able to self-service by submitting applications, monitoring cashflows and messaging through the Union I online Internet Portal.
Tallinn Business Bank was able to customise Union’s solution to their exact business needs. Union supported the transaction with business model transformation advice, data migration and training to help Tallinn Business Bank become operational in a fast and effective manner.
CEO Peeter Klanberg commented “We are delighted to be live with Tallinn Business Bank and look forward to working together to improve their client engagement and operational efficiency. We see growing demand for asset back lending and believe there is significant potential to innovate in this segment by introducing new products and digital services.
Further Information:
Peeter Klanberg, CEO