Jun 11, 2018 | Digital transformation, News
Okia is pleased to announce the release on a new digital identity for online invoice finance company Factor. Okia’s solution includes service design, loan calculators and a UX optimised...
Oct 31, 2017 | Banks, Digital transformation, FinTechs, Lenders, News
Union FinTech is pleased to announce it will partner with Tallinn Business Bank to provide loan and leasing management as well as factoring...
Mar 30, 2016 | Digital platform, Markets, News
Union Financial Technologies is delighted to announce its Union.digital Internet Bank solution has been implemented by FX broker Eurex. The solution allows Eurex clients to check their balances, trade FX and message. 24/7/365 availability and real-time processing...
Mar 9, 2016 | FinTechs, News
Union Financial Technologies announces the launch of Union.crowd, a solution that allows Crowd and P2P providers to manage debt and equity marketplaces in real-time.The solution allows clients to combine three modules to create a one stop solution:1. Marketplace site...