Real-time Screening Of Clients To Ensure Accurate Decisions On Credit Quality And Debt Capacity
Union.score is a credit scoring solution that helps financial service providers make better decisions about client credit quality and debt capacity, ensuring clients receive the right product at the right time and price.
Integration with internal data and external sources such as credit bureau’s and state registries ensure that decisions are based on the best possible data set, in real-time.
Union.score is highly flexible, users can customise their data sources and scoring parameters, calibrate models to match credit policy and adapt easily as conditions change.
Union.score is commonly implemented across multiple channels including Digital, the branch network and back office to ensure standardised processes and data. There is a full audit trail on data, decisions and user activity.
Automation of the data collection and analysis process improves the speed of response and decision accuracy. Over time we shall extend the machine learning capability to deliver predictive analytics.
Union.score can be securely integrated with Core and other systems to automate the process of client origination and deal management.
Union.score has delivered higher profitability and corporate governance to international retail banks and consumer credit specialists, see the Case Studies for more.